Dynasties (Families)

First Dynasty ruled from approximately 3050 BC to 2890 BC
By some chronological schemes. (There are no precise or agreed-upon year dates for any of the Old or Middle Kingdom periods, and reign estimates differ widely from one Egyptologist to the next.)

1-Mena (Narmer, Hor-Aha, Scorpion King), First known pharaoh in Egyptian history Contingent upon identity
Arguably the unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt. 3050 BC
2-Djer — 41 years
3-Djet — 23 years
5-Den — 14 to 20.1 years
6-Anedjib — 10 years
7-Semerkhet — 9 years
8-Qa'a — 2916?–2890 BC

Second Dynasty ruled from 2890 BC to 2686 BC.
Hotepsekhemwy — 38 years
Raneb— 39 years
Nynetjer — 40 years
Wneg— 8 years
Senedj — 20 years
Seth-Peribsen — 17 years
Khasekhem(wy)  ?–2686 BC 17 to 18 years

Old Kingdom
Old Kingdom is the period in the third millennium BC when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilisational complexity and achievement (the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods which mark the high points of civilization in the Nile Valley), spanning the period when Egypt was ruled by the Third Dynasty through the Sixth Dynasty (2630–2151 BC). Many Egyptologists also include the Memphite Seventh and Eighth Dynasties in the Old Kingdom as a continuation of the administration centralised at Memphis. The Old Kingdom was followed by a period of disunity and relative cultural decline referred to by Egyptologists as the First Intermediate Period -- or, as the Egyptians called it, the "first illness."

The royal capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom was located at Memphis, where Djoser established his court. The Old Kingdom is perhaps best known, however, for the large number of pyramids which were constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids".

Third Dynasty ruled from 2686 to 2613 BC.
Sanakhte — 2686-2668
Djoser - Had the Step Pyramid constructed by Imhotep[18] 2668–2649; Radiocarbon date start reign between 2691 and 2625[19]
Sekhemkhe — 2649–2643
Khaba — 2643–2637
Huni — 2637–2613

Fourth Dynasty ruled from 2613 to 2498 BC 
Included the pharaohs who had the Great Pyramids built, Khufu (Cheops), Khafra (Chephren) and Menkaura (Mycerinus).

Sneferu - Built the Bent Pyramid, which is a pyramid built at a normal angle at the bottom but drastically changes at the top. He also built the first "true" pyramid, known as the Red Pyramid. Some say that he was buried at the Red Pyramid, while others say that he was buried at the Bent Pyramid. Bones have been found at the Red Pyramid, but there is no evidence that this is Sneferu's body. 2613–2589
Khufu - Greek form: Cheops. Built the great pyramid of Giza. Note that Khufu is spoken of in early sources as being "third" of his family to rule, although there is no known record of a Pharaoh between Sneferu and Khufu. One supposition is that there might have been a very short reign of some elder brother of Khufu, whose inscriptions, name, and monuments have perished for one reason or another. 2589–2566
Djedefra (Radjedef) - Believed to have created the Great Sphinx of Giza as a monument for his deceased father. He also created a pyramid at Abu Rawash however this pyramid is no longer intact as it is believed the Romans recycled the materials it was made from. Before being demolished by the Romans, according to a documentary aired by the History Channel, the pyramid may actually have been the highest ever built (about 20 meters taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza although this is due to its elevated location rather than the size from base to tip). 2566–2558
Khafra Greek form: Chephren His pyramid is the second largest in Giza. 2558–2532
— here some authorities insert Bikheris, following Manetho —
Menkaura - Greek form: Mycerinus. His pyramid is the third and smallest in Giza. 2532–2503
Shepseskaf – 2503–2498
some authorities insert Thampthis, following Manetho

Fifth Dynasty ruled from 2498 to 2345 BC.
Userkaf — 2498–2491
Sahure — 2490–2477
Neferirkare Kakai — 2477–2467
Shepseskare Isi — 2467–2460
Neferefre — 2460–2453
Nyuserre Ini — 2453–2422
Menkauhor Kaiu — 2422–2414
Djedkare Isesi — 2414–2375
Unas — 2375–2345

Sixth Dynasty ruled from 2345 to 2181 BC.
Teti — 2345–2333
Userkare — 2333–2332
Meryre Pepi I — 2332–2283
Merenre Nemtyemsaf I — 2283–2278
Neferkare Pepi II — Possible unto 2224 which would explain the following 4 kings. 2278–2184
Neferka — Only mentioned in the redford. Reigned during Pepi II; was possibly his son or co-ruler. 2200–2199
Nefer — Reign of 2 years, 1 month and a day according to Turin Canon 2197–2193
Aba — Reigned for 4 years and 2 months. Reign dates don't follow Turin Canon. Highly unlikely. 2193–2176
Unknown king Unknown king attested here
Merenre Nemtyemsaf II — Uncertain pharaoh. 2184
Neitiqerty Siptah — This king may have been confused in later years as a supposed female ruler Nitocris.[23] 2184–2181

First Intermediate Period is the period between the end of the Old Kingdom and the advent of the Middle Kingdom.

The Old Kingdom rapidly collapsed after the death of Pepi II. He had reigned for 94 years, longer than any monarch in history, and died aged 100. The latter years of his reign were marked by inefficiency because of his advanced age.

The Union of the Two Kingdoms fell apart and regional leaders had to cope with the resulting famine.

Around 2160 BC, a new line of pharaohs tried to reunite Lower Egypt from their capital in Herakleopolis Magna. In the meantime, a rival line based at Thebes was reuniting Upper Egypt and a clash between the two rival dynasties was inevitable.

Around 2055 BC, a descendant of the pharaoh Intef III defeated the Herakleopolitan pharaohs, reunited the Two Lands, founded the Eleventh Dynasty and ruled as Mentuhotep II, the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom.

Seventh and Eighth Dynasties (combined)
The Seventh and Eighth Dynasties ruled from 2181 to 2160 BC. (This table is based on the Abydos Table from the Temple of Seti I, taken from www.narmer.pl/main/abydos_en.html)

Neferkara I -
Netjerkare -
Menkare -
Neferkare II -
Neferkara Nebi -
Djedkara Shemai -
Neferkara Khendu -
 Some authorities place here Merenhor
Neferkamin Seneferka -
Nikara -
Neferkara Tereru -
Neferkahor -
Neferkara Pepyseneb -
Neferkamin Anu -
Qakare Ibi - 2169-2167
Neferkara II - 2167-2163
Neferkawhor Khuwihap - 2163-2161
Neferirkara - 2161-2160

Ninth Dynasty ruled from 2160 to 2130 BC. 
The Turin King List has 18 kings reigning in the Ninth and Tenth Dynasties. Of these, twelve names are missing and four are partial.

— Manetho states that Achthoes founded this dynasty. 2160– ?
— -  ?
Neferkare III -  ?
Khety (Acthoes II) -  ?
Senenh— or Setut -  ?
— -  ?
Mer[ibre Khety] -  ?
Shed— -  ?
H— -  ?

Tenth Dynasty was a local group that held sway over Lower Egypt that ruled from 2130 to 2040 BC.

Meryhathor — 2130– ?
Neferkare IV —  ?
Wankare (Acthoes III) —  ?
Merykare —  ?
— —  ? –2040

Eleventh Dynasty was a local group with roots in Upper Egypt that ruled from 2134 to 1991 BC.

Mentuhotep I Tepy-a —
Sehertawy Intef I — 2134–2117
Wahankh Intef II — 2117–2069
Nakhtnebtepnefer Intef III — 2069–2060

Middle Kingdom
Middle Kingdom is the period from the end of the First Intermediate Period to the beginning of the Second Intermediate Period. In addition to the Twelfth Dynasty, some scholars include the Eleventh, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Dynasties in the Middle Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom can be noted for the expansion of trade outside of the kingdom that occurred during this time. This opening of trade eventually led to the downfall of the Middle Kingdom, induced by an invasion from the Hyksos.

Eleventh Dynasty ContinuedThe second part of the Eleventh Dynasty is considered to be part of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

Nebhetepre Mentuhotep II Gained all Egypt 2040, Middle Kingdom begins. 2060–2010
Sankhkare Mentuhotep III — 2010–1998
Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV — 1997–1991

Twelfth Dynasty ruled from 1991 to 1802 BC,
 is considered by later Egyptians to have been their greatest dynasty.

Sehetepibre Amenemhat I— 1991–1962
Kheperkare Senusret I (Sesostris I) —Built the white chapel 1971–1926
Nubkaure Amenemhat II — 1929–1895
Khakheperre Senusret II (Sesostris II) — 1897–1878
Khakaure Senusret III (Sesostris III) Most powerful of the Middle Kingdom pharaohs. 1878–1860
Nimaatre Amenemhat III — 1860–1815
Maakherure Amenemhat IV Had a co-regency lasting at least 1 year based on an inscription at Konosso. 1815–1807
Sobekkare Sobekneferu A rare female ruler. 1807–1803

Second Intermediate
Second Intermediate Period is a period of disarray between the end of the Middle Kingdom, and the start of the New Kingdom. It is best known as when the Hyksos made their appearance in Egypt, whose reign comprised the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Dynasties.

The Thirteenth Dynasty was much weaker than the Twelfth Dynasty, and was unable to hold onto the long land of Egypt. The provincial ruling family in Xois, located in the marshes of the western Delta, broke away from the central authority to form the Fourteenth Dynasty.

The Hyksos made their first appearance during the reign of Sobekhotep IV, and around 1720 BC took control of the town of Avaris (the modern Tell ed-Dab'a/Khata'na). The Hyksos, led by Salitis, the founder of the Fifteenth Dynasty, overran Egypt during the reign of Dudimose I.

Around the time Memphis fell to the Hyksos, the native Egyptian ruling house in Thebes declared its independence and set itself up as the Seventeenth Dynasty. This dynasty eventually drove the Hyksos back into Asia

Thirteenth Dynasty (following the Turin King List) ruled from 1803 to around 1649 BC and lasted 153 or 154 Yrs according to Manetho. This table should be contrasted with Known kings of the 13th Dynasty

Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep or Wegaf Founded the 13th Dynasty. His reign is attested by several Nile Records and Papyri. 1803–1799 4 yrs.
Sekhemkare Amenemhat V Senebef, brother of Sekhemre Khutawy. 3 Yrs. —
Amenemhat — 1795–1792
Sehetepre —  ? –1790
Iufni —  ?
Seankhibre —  ?
Semenkare —  ?
Sehetepre —  ?
Sewadjkare —  ?
Nedjemibre 7 months  ?
Khaankhre Sobekhotep I —  ?
Renseneb 4 months c. 1775
Awybre Hor I? — c. 1775?
Sedjefakare A well known king attested on numerous stelas and other documents. c. 5 to 7 yrs.
Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep Compare Wegaf c. 1767
Khendjer Minimum 4 yrs and 3 months c. 1765
Imyremeshaw —  ?
Antef V —  ?
Sekhemresewadjtawy Sobekhotep III 4 years and 2 months c. 1755
Khasekhemre Neferhotep I 11 years 1751–1740
Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV 10 or 11 years 1740–1730
Khahotepre Sobekhotep V — c. 1730
Wahibre Ibiau 10 years & 8 months c. 1725–1714
Merneferre Ay 23 years & 8 months c. 1714–1691
Merhotepre Ini 2 years & 2 months  ?
Sankhenre Sewadjtu —  ?
Mersekhemre Ini —  ?
Sewadjkare Hori —  ?

The position of the following kings is uncertain:

Dudimose I — c. 1654
Dudimose II —  ?
Senebmiu —  ?
Mentuhotep V —  ?
Senaaib —  ?

Fourteenth Dynasty was a local group from the eastern Delta, based at Xois, that ruled from around 1705 to around 1690 BC.

Nehesy - c. 1705
Khakherewre ? -  ?
Nebefawre - c. 1704
Sehebre ? -  ?
Merdjefare - c. 1699
Sewadjkare ? -  ?
Nebdjefare - c. 1694
Webenre ? -  ?
— -  ?
—djefare ? -  ?
—webenre - c. 1690
The position of the following kings is uncertain:
Yakubher  ?

The Turin King List provides an additional 25 names, some fragmentary, and no dates. None are attested to elsewhere, and all are of very dubious provenance.

Fifteenth Dynasty arose from among the Hyksos people who emerged out of the Fertile Crescent to establish a short-lived governance over much of the Nile region, and ruled from 1674 to 1535 BC.

Sakir-Har -  ?
Khyan - 30-40 Years
Apepi - 40 Years or more
Khamudi - 1555-1544

Sixteenth Dynasty was a local native kingdom from Thebes who ruled Egypt for between 80 and 100 years, according to Kim Ryholt.

— name of the first king is lost here in the Turin King List, and cannot be recovered -
Djehuti (Sekhemresementawy) – 3 yrs
Sobekhotep VIII (Sekhemreseusertawy) – 16 yrs
Neferhotep III (Sekhemresankhtawy) – 1 yr
Mentuhotep VI (Sankhenre) – 1 yr
Nebiriau I (Sewadjenre) – 26 yrs
Nebiriau II –
Semenre –
Bebiankh (Seuserenre) – 12 yrs
(Sekhemre Shedwast) –
— The names of five kings are lost here in the Turin King List, and cannot be recovered. Their identity is uncertain -

Some sources include as many as six more names –

Seventeenth Dynasty was based in Upper Egypt and ruled from 1650 to 1550 BC:

Rahotep Sekhemrewahkhau - 1650- ?
Sobekemsaf I Sekhemreshedtawy - 3 years
Intef VI Sekhemrewepmaat - -
Intef VII Nebkheperre -
Intef VIII Sekhemreheruhirmaat - -
Sobekemsaf II Sekhemrewadjkhau - -
Tao I the Elder (ie: Senakhtenre) - c. 1558
Tao II the Brave (Seqenenre) - c. 1558-1554
Kamose - 1569-1564

New Kingdom
New Kingdom is the period covering the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth dynasty of Egypt, from the 16th century BC to the 11th century BC, between the Second Intermediate Period, and the Third Intermediate Period.

Through military dominance abroad, the New Kingdom saw Egypt's greatest territorial extent. It expanded far into Nubia in the south, and held wide territories in the Near East. Egyptian armies fought with Hittite armies for control of modern-day Syria.

Two of the best known pharaohs of the New Kingdom are Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV, whose exclusive worship of the Aten is often interpreted as the first instance of monotheism, and Ramesses II, who attempted to recover the territories in modern Israel/Palestine, Lebanon and Syria that had been held in the Eighteenth Dynasty. His reconquest led to the Battle of Qadesh, where he led the Egyptian armies against the army of the Hittite king Muwatalli II.

Eighteenth Dynasty ruled from c. 1550 to 1295 BC:

Nebpehtire Ahmose I, Ahmosis I  Successor to Kamose, above. c.1550-1525 BCE; Radiocarbon date range for the start of his reign is 1570-1544 BCE, the mean point of which is 1557 BCE
Djeserkare Amenhotep I  - 1541-1520
Aakheperkare Thutmose I  - 1520-1492
Aakheperenre Thutmose II  - 1492-1479
Menkheperre Thutmose III  Often called the "Napoleon of Egypt." Dominated early in his reign by his stepmother Hatshepsut; after she died, he began expanding Egyptian rule into the Levant. 1479-1425
Maatkare Hatshepsut  The second known female ruler, though quite possibly the seventh (the reigns of five other women are likely, but disputed). Recent evidence suggests she died of bone cancer. 1473-1458
Aakheperrure Amenhotep II  - 1425-1400
Menkheperure Thutmose IV  - 1400-1390
Nebmaatre Amenhotep III The Magnificent King  His name means Lord of the truth is Ra. He ruled Egypt at the peak of her glory, his mortuary temple was the largest ever built, but was destroyed by Rameses II to build his own temple. Thought to be the grandfather of Tutankhamun 1390-1352
Neferkheperure-waenre Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten  Founder of brief period of a solar-centered religion (Atenism). His original name means "Amun is pleased." 1352-1334
Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare  Co-regent and successor of Akhenaten. The identity of this individual is uncertain and disputed. Usually believed to be either a son or son-in-law of Akhenaten but sometimes identified as Akhenaten's wife Nefertiti. Other scholars distinguish two individuals between Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, namely Smenkhkare, who is then seen as male, and a female ruler, who is then most often identified as Akhenaten's eldest daughter Meritaten 1334-1333
Nebkheperure Tutankhaten/Tutankhamun  Commonly believed to be the son of Akhenaten, probably reinstated the polytheistic religion and the name change reflects the change in primary deity from Aten to Amun. He is also known as the boy king. 1333-1324
Kheperkheperure Ay  - 1324-1320
Djeserkheperure-setpenre Horemheb  Former General and advisor to Tutankhamun. Obliterated images of the Amarna queens and kings (all except Amenhotep III and Tiye). 1320-1292

Nineteenth Dynasty ruled from 1292 to 1186 BC and includes one of the greatest pharaohs: Rameses II the Great:

Menpehtire Ramesses I  - 1292-1290
Menmaatre Seti I  - 1290-1279
Usermaatre-setpenre Ramesses II the Great  The ruler usually associated with Moses; he reached a stalemate with the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh in 1275 BC, after which a peace treaty was signed in 1258 BC 1279-1213
Banenre Merenptah - A stele describing his campaigns in Libya and Canaan contains the first known reference to the Israelites. 1213-1203
Menmire-setpenre Amenmesse  - 1203-1200
Userkheperure Seti II - 1203-1197
Sekhaenre/Akhenre Merenptah Siptah[43]  - 1197-1191
Satre-merenamun Tausret  A rare female ruler also known as Tawosret in some places, she was probably the wife of Seti II. 1191-1190

Twentieth Dynasty ruled from 1185 to 1069 BC:

Userkhaure Setnakht  - 1190-1186
Usermaatre-meryamun Ramesses III  Fought the Sea Peoples in 1175 BC 1186-1155
User/Heqamaatre-setpenamun Ramesses IV  - 1155-1149
Usermaatre-sekheperenre Ramesses V  - 1149-1145
Nebmaatre-meryamun Ramesses VI  - 1145-1137
Usermaatre-setpenre-meryamun Ramesses VII  - 1137-1130
Usermaatre-akhenamun Ramesses VIII  - 1130-1129
Neferkare-setpenre Ramesses IX  - 1129-1111
Khepermaatre-setpenptah Ramesses X  - 1111-1107
Menmaatre-setpenptah Ramesses XI  Ended rule sharing power with High Priest of Amun Herihor ruling in the south and Smendes I ruling in the north, a period known as wehem mesut. 1107-1077

Third Intermediate Period marked the end of the New Kingdom after the collapse of the Egyptian empire. A number of dynasties of Libyan origin ruled, giving this period its alternative name of the Libyan Period.

Twenty-first Dynasty was based at Tanis and was a relatively weak group. Theoretically, they were rulers of all Egypt, but in practice their influence was limited to Lower Egypt. They ruled from 1069 to 945 BC

Hedjkheperre-setpenre Nesbanebdjed  Also known as Smendes I 1077-1051
Neferkare Heqawaset Amenemnisu  - 1051-1047
Aakheperre Pasebakhenniut I (Psusennes I)  - 1047-1001
Usermaatre Amenemope  - 1001-992
Aakheperre Setepenre Osorkon (Osorkon the Elder)  - * ( Osochor ) 992-986
Netjerikheperre-setpenamun Siamun-meryamun  - 986-967
Titkheperure Pasebakhenniut II (Psusennes II)  - 967-943

Twenty-second Dynasty were Libyans, ruling from around 945 to 720 BC:
Hedjkheperre-setepenre Shoshenq I   943-922
Sekhemkheperre Osorkon I  - 922-887
Heqakheperre Shoshenq II  - 887-885
Takelot I  - 885-872
Hedjkheperre Harsiese  A rebel, at Thebes 880-860
Usermaatre-setepenamun Osorkon II  - 872-837
Usermaatre-setepenre Shoshenq III  - 837-798
Shoshenq IV  - 798-785
Usermaatre-setepenre Pami  - 785-778
Aakheperre Shoshenq V  - 778-740
Aakheperre-setepenamun Osorkon IV  - 740-720

Twenty-third Dynasty was a local group, again of Libyan origin, based at Herakleopolis and Thebes that ruled from 836 to c.735 BC:

Hedjkheperre-setpenre Takelot II  Previously thought to be a 22nd Dynasty pharaoh, he is now known to be the founder of the 23rd 837-813
Usermaatre-setepenamun Pedubast  A rebel—seized Thebes from Takelot II 826-801
Usermaatre-setepenamun Iuput I  - 812-811
Usermaatre Shoshenq VI  Successor to Pedubast 801-795
Usermaatre-setepenamun Osorkon III  Son of Takelot II- recovered Thebes, then proclaimed himself king 795-767
Usermaatre-setpenamun Takelot III  - 773-765
Usermaatre-setpenamun Rudamun  - 765-762

The LibuNot recognised as a dynasty as such, the Libu were yet another group of western nomads (Libyans) who occupied the western Delta from 805 to 732 BC.

Inamunnifnebu  - 805-795
 ?  - 795-780
Niumateped  - 780-755
Titaru  - 763-755
Ker  - 755-750
Rudamon  - 750-745
Ankhor  - 745-736
Tefnakht  - 736-732

Twenty-fourth Dynasty was a short-lived rival dynasty located in the western Delta (Sais), with only two Pharaoh ruling from 732 to 720 BC.

Shepsesre Tefnakhte  - 732-725
Wahkare Bakenrenef (Bocchoris)  - 725-720

Late periodThe Late Period runs from 732 BC to Egypt becoming a province of Rome in 30 BC, and includes periods of rule by Nubians, Persians, and Macedonians.

Twenty-fifth Dynasty Nubians invaded Egypt in 732 BC and took the throne of Egypt, establishing the Twenty-fifth Dynasty which ruled until 656 BC.

Usermaatre Piye  King of Nubia; conquered Egypt in 20th year; full reign at least 24 years, possibly 30+ years 752-721
Neferkare Shabaka  - 721-707
Djedkaure Shebitku  Synchronism with Sargon II of Assyria establishes his accession date at 707/706 BC 707-690
Khuinefertemre Taharqa  - 690-664
Bakare Tantamani  lost control of Upper Egypt in 656 BC when Psamtik I extended his authority into Thebes in that year. 664-653

They were ultimately driven back into Nubia, where they established a kingdom at Napata (656-590), and, later, at Meroë (590 BC-4th cent. AD).

Twenty-sixth Dynasty ruled from around 672 to 525 BC.[49]

Menkheperre Nekau I (Necho I)  - 672 – 664 BC
Wahibre Psamtik I (Psammetichus I)  - 664 – 610 BC
Wehemibre Necho II (Necho II)  - 610 – 595 BC
Neferibre Psamtik II (Psammetichus II)  - 595 – 589 BC
Haaibre Wahibre (Apries)  - 589 – 570 BC
Khnemibre Ahmose II (Amasis)  - 570 – 526 BC
Ankhkaenre Psamtik III (Psammetichus III)  - 526 – 525 BC

Twenty-seventh Dynasty Egypt was conquered by the Persian Empire in 525 BC and annexed by the Persians until 404 BC. The Achaemenid shahs were acknowledged as pharaohs in this era, forming a "Twenty-seventh" Dynasty:

Metsuire Cambyses (Cambyses II)  - 525 – 521 BC
Smerdis the Usurper  - 522 – 521 BC
Setutre Darius I the Great  - 521 – 486 BC
Xerxes I the Great  - 486 – 465 BC
Artabanus the Hyrcanian  - 465 – 464 BC
Artaxerxes I Longhand  - 464 – 424 BC
Xerxes II  claimant 424 – 423 BC
Sogdianus  claimant 424 – 423 BC
Darius II  424 – 404 BC

Twenty-eighth Dynasty lasted only 6 years, from 404 to 398 BC, with one Pharaoh:

Amyrtaeus  Descendant of the Saite pharaohs of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty; led a successful revolt against the Persians 404 – 398 BC

Twenty-ninth Dynasty ruled from 398 to 380 BC:

Baenre Nefaarud I  Also known as Nepherites 398 – 393 BC
Psammuthes  - 393 BC
Khenemmaatre Hakor (Achoris)  - 393 – 380 BC
Nefaarud II  - 380 BC

Thirtieth Dynasty ruled from 380 until Egypt once more came under Persian rule in 343 BC:

Kheperkare Nekhtnebef (Nectanebo I)  Also known as Nekhtnebef 380 – 362 BC
Irimaatenre Djedher (Teos)  - 362 – 360 BC
Senedjemibre Nakhthorhebyt (Nectanebo II)  - 360 – 343 BC

Thirty-first Dynasty Egypt again came under the control of the Achaemenid Persians. After the practice of Manetho, the Persian rulers from 343 to 332 BC are occasionally designated as the Thirty-first Dynasty:

Artaxerxes III  Egypt came under Persian rule for the second time 343–338 BC
Artaxerxes IV Arses  Only reigned in Lower Egypt 338–336 BC
Khababash  Leader of a Nubian revolt in Upper Egypt 338–335 BC
Darius III Codomannus  Upper Egypt returned to Persian control in 335 BC 336–332 BC