Tutankhamun the most precious tomb treasury and civil

Tutankhamun .. which is also known as the "King of the child" .. it was a pharaoh of the Egyptian family of eighteen in the history of ancient Egypt, and the Pharaoh of Egypt from 1334 to 1325 BC. In the era of the modern state.
Was too short and quiet his reign as no Bhakq imprint in the history of Egypt, but in spite of that, it has become the name of the most famous names in the world overnight, thanks to the discovery of the magnificent tomb full and treasures without any 1922 damage, and the mummy was intact quite old in 3000.
- But the life and death of this little pharaoh was and still pose a mystery ..

Pyramid of Saqqara - Djoser Pyramid

Pyramid of Saqqara
Stone building is the oldest known royal tomb and the first in history, built between 2737 - 2717 BC. M. Located in South Saqqara, Giza at a distance of a mile from the cliff Saqqara. Originally designed for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by the Minister Amahotb in the form of six terraces above the tunnel descends to the burial site. Over the six changes in the pyramid scheme before the completion of its present form.
This pyramid is the first building known memorial is made of stone anywhere in the world. As is clear from its name, it is a series of six levels of stone decreasing in size until it reaches to a height 62 meters (200 feet). And a rectangular base, measuring 390-350 feet. Until that time, the terrace is the main form of tomb architecture and architecture. Pyramid originally began as a runway terrace, and was the original vision may not be as much as a pyramid to be a series of terraces, decreasing in size, and stack on top of each other.
It was built the pyramid of Saqqara in the form of layers, each one smaller than the bottom, built Omanb burial chamber and accessories under the surface of the ground and was reached by the difficulty through a tunnel Steady long, and at ground level built terrace square above five terraces, additional less space per from its predecessor as increased the building, until he became the building in the form of a pyramid consisting of six degrees is great, the total was made of good limestone, and inform the whole wall is decorated. It is characterized by the delta to the majestic pyramid, and features the halls and rooms, covering the beautiful green ceramic walls. 

King Djoser

By some historians that King Djoser is not the first king of this family by the scientific evidence and a list of kings, which provided the names of the kings who Achthro dynasties and stated that the founder of the Third Dynasty and the first kings is King Nepka nebka is known of the world effects Manatho that he is a priest of worship the funeral of King Djoser and was sentenced at the same time period, but their lineage is Mosag where it is believed that King Zoser is another brother of the king Nepka. According to the above list of kings, King Zoser in this list Nkhitt King Sa sa-nakhet. According to the list of Turin turin canon third said the family did not Taataada duration of 55 years
The era of the Third Dynasty / old state
The name of the king Djoser, Zoser I
The rule of about 19-29 years old
Pharaoh Djoser of the most famous kings of the Third Dynasty, a pharaoh second in a series of Pharaohs of the Third Dynasty, which ruled Egypt in the Old Kingdom and returns the fame to the Renaissance public which included the country in his reign began, King Suzr his life like any other of the earlier kings Vombr building a cemetery is in the form of terrace large brick (95 m long and 50 m width and height of 10 meters, but not built by at Abydos, but built in the area now known as the house odds in southern Qena, was Hther where many of the pots and the seals inscribed with the name of the king as bearing the names of some of his staff and various departments, which had been handling the affairs (Some historians believe that this tomb may be built in the early reign of its proximity to the residence or that he buried his wife or another of his family, not only its effects on Saqqara, but also built other temples found the remains of one of them close to Hrbit County East


An aspect of the sun god Re Auf was a ram-headed god who wore the solar disc and traveled at night through the Underworld waterways in order to reach the east in time for the new day; however, he still had to fight off the creatures of the Underworld. Demons and gods towed his boat along while Auf stood in a deck-house, over which was coiled the serpent Mehen who warded off the dangerous Apep. The boat of night was crewed by the gods Hu, Saa and Wepwawet.


Other Names: (Tem, Temu, Tum, Atem)
Patron of: the sun, creation, rulership of the gods.
Appearance: rarely human, usually depicted as a crown or as one of his many totem animals. He is sometimes depicted as a black bull carrying the sun disk between his horns.
Description: Atum was one of the most ancient gods in Egypt and was part of the Heliopolitan cosmology. Originally an earth god, he became associated with Re, the sun god. Specifically, he was considered to be the setting sun. In later times he became associated with Ptah and eventually Osiris.
-According to the priests of Heliopolis, Atum was the first being to emerge from the waters of Nun at the time of creation. Originally, he was a serpent in Nun and will return to that form at the end of time. However, Atum was depicted in art as a man wearing the Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. As such, he is the first living man god conceived of by the ancient Egyptians. Until then, their gods were all forms of animals.
-Following his self-creation from Nun, Atum created his children Shu and Tefnut by masturbating. This may seem impossible but Atum was a bisexual god. He embodied both the male and female aspects of life. Therefore, his semen contained all that was necessary to create new life and deities. The Egyptians called Atum "Great He-She" and his name meant "the complete one."
-Later myths said that his children were products of his relationship with his shadow, or with the goddess Iusaaset.
Worship: Worshipped widely throughout Egypt, with his cult center at Heliopolis.


During the reign of Akhenaten The Aten was installed as the principle god of ancient Egypt, and the worship of many of the traditional gods of ancient Egypt was rejected. The Aten was not a new god but an obscure aspect of the sun god worshipped as early as the Old Kingdom. "Aten" was the traditional name for the sun-disk itself and so the name of the god is often translated as "the Aten" (for example, in the coffin texts of the Middle Kingdom) the word "Aten" represents the sun disc, and in the 'Story of Sinuhe' (also from the Middle Kingdom) Amenemhat I is described as soaring into the sky and uniting with Aten, his creator. During the New Kingdom, the Aten was considered to be an aspect of the composite deity Ra-Amun-Horus. (Ra represented the daytime sun, Amun represented the sun in the underworld and Horus represented the sunrise). Akhenaten proclaimed "the Aten" (the visible sun itself) to be the sole deity, taking sun worship a stage further. Because of the naturalistic qualities of some of the art works of the time, some have suggested that his religion was based on the scientific observation that the sun's energy is the ultimate source of all life.


Other Names: Ash

Patron of: the desert.

Appearance: A man with the head of a hawk.

Description: As was the "Lord of Libya" and the god of the Sahara Desert. Although sometimes depicted as a companion of Set (who had the duties of the god of desert storms), As was a benign god who was the god of good cause to make the oases. He also looked after those who had to travel through the desert, and to ensure they did not die of its cruel heat.